Emergency Medicine

Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine 


Fixed Term / Permanent

52,000 - 82,000

Apply for role

Doctors Relocate are seeking applicants for the post of Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine for an NHS trust in the Midlands.

Further information

  • This position is offered on an initial 1-year fixed term basis, with the view to an extension being offered. 
  • Service delivery will be on the middle grade and Consultant rota. The successful applicant will be expected to supervise and support the more junior medical staff as required and will be involved in the resuscitation of acutely ill and injured patients.
  • CESR support can be offered to overseas applicants.
  • A job description is available upon request.

Applicants Must Have

  • GMC registration, or be in the process of registering with the GMC.

Apply for role