Emergency Medicine

Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine


52,000 - 82,000

Apply for role

Doctors Relocate are seeking applicants for a Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine. This post is based in Scotland.

Further information

  • This is a full-time (10PA) post in a large hospital.
  • The primary duties of the post are to see new patients within the ED and to be an on-site source of advice and help for junior doctors in the ED. 
  • The Urgent and Emergency Care centre has great facilities, including meeting rooms, seminar rooms and office space, which allow them to deliver Teaching and provide facilities to aid the staff in their roles.
  •  The department has a thriving CESR Training Programme within the Hospital 

Applicants Must Have

  • GMC registration, or be in the process of registering with the GMC.
  • MRCEM or equivalent.

Apply for role