
Specialty Doctor in Microbiology


Fixed Term / Permanent

52,000 - 82,000

Apply for role

Doctors Relocate are seeking applicants for the post of Specialty Doctor in Microbiology for an NHS hospital based in Wales.

Further information

  • This is a full-time (10 PA) post which has been newly created to support the hospital’s provision of microbiology services.
  • The successful applicant will be expected to advise on the diagnosis and management of infection, and to liaise with laboratory staff to assist with the reporting of organisms of medical importance.
  • 12-24 month fixed term contracts can be offered.
  • CESR support can be given.

Applicants must have

  • FRCPath, PLAB or MRCP
  • GMC registration, or be in the process of registering with the GMC

Apply for role