GMC Registration

GMC ID Check

Attending an identity check with the GMC

All doctors who have applied for registration with a licence to practise with the General Medical Council (GMC) must complete an ID check with the GMC.

Do I need to attend an identity check with the GMC?

If you’re applying for registration with a licence to practise with the GMC or to restore your registration, then you must complete an identity check. 

The GMC will invite you to an identity check once they have assessed, and are satisfied with, the application and evidence that you have submitted to them. 

You must attend an identity check before the GMC can grant your application. Please note that you should only make an appointment at their offices once they have asked you to. 

Note that:

  • If you’re applying for registration using a pass in the PLAB test, you will have had an identity check when you sat the PLAB 2 test.
  • If you currently have registration and have applied for a licence to practise only, you can attend an identity check after the GMC have granted your application (unless they state otherwise).  

What happens at the identity check? 

At your GMC identity check, you can expect to:

  • have your photograph taken and kept on your account
  • to provide your signature and for this to also be kept on your account
  • your passport or national identity card details will be taken
  • copies of any original documents that you were asked to bring with you will be taken

Note that the GMC will disclose your photograph to employers on request. This is so that they can be assured of your identity when you start work . It will also help protect you from identity fraud.

What do I need to bring with me?

Prior to your identity check with the GMC, your applications adviser will let you know exactly which documents you need to bring with you. 

Usually, you’ll need to present your current passport. If you’re an EEA national, you’ll need to present your passport or national identity card (provided it clearly states your nationality). 

It’s also likely that the GMC will ask you to bring the original versions of the supporting documents that you initially provided for your application. 

Where will my GMC ID check be?

The GMC holds identity checks at either their London or Manchester offices. 

Click here to view the location of their office in London. Click here to view the location of their office in Manchester

When do I need to attend a GMC ID check by?

The GMC require applicants to complete their identity check within three months of their application being approved. If you do not attend the check within three months, you’ll have to complete a new application. 

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